Making pixels behave since forever

Making pixels behave since forever ✲

Lucid Diagnostics
Complete website refresh for a diagnostic leader

AVANOS Rebrand
Rebranding a global medical device company

Refresh for a
patient positioning solutions leader

Momentis Surgical
Rebranding a surgical instrument provider

Fujifilm Sonosite
Launching a leader in point of care ultrasound
Branding & launch campaign
Rebranding & website design

Complete website redesign & brand repositioning

UCSD Triton Day Microsite
Web design for an esteemed California university

Viva Vaquita Rebrand
Awareness campaign to fight extinction

PREP Brand Campaign
Campaigning for a first-of-its kind prophylactic

Midway Museum 15th Anniversary Campaign
Celebrating a 15 year old naval museum

Acércate y Descubre UC San Diego
Celebrating Latinx diversity and inclusion

United Fort Worth
A rebrand aiming to unite a city

Revolver Taco Company
Branding project for a tasty taqueria favorite

Archaeology Institute of America
Branding an accredited purveyor of history

Get in touch

Get in touch ✲

Drop me a digital pigeon, send a smoke signal, or just use your phone—whichever you prefer, just reach out!